This week has been bitter sweet. Like I had mentioned in an earlier post my better half would be leaving me for a week to go soak up the rays in Mexico. Well..... it turned out it is a lot harder than I was expecting. Given its only 8 days and I know some people go months and even years without seeing their loved one (definately not my thing and happy to know I will never have to do that), but I have gained such a greater appreciation for everything that Kris does while he is home.
He :
-greets me whenever I walk in with a big kiss
-listens to me whine when I don't feel good and goes out of his way to find something that will help
-watch my ridiculous shows with me and actually begin to like them
-go with me on late night food runs
-listen to me vent when something doesn't go my way
-cuddle me at night when I am cold and can't warm up
-hold my hand when I sleep so I know that he is by my side
-run errands with me
-vacuums (this became a big deal this week on account of I found like two baby spiders galavanting on our carpet)
-eats my meals even when they don't turn out good
-will drive me to my destination when I don't feel like driving
-at the end of his long day tell me everything that happened (yes, I love hearing all the little details about his day)
-lets me ramble on about all the little things I want to get for our baby
-listens to my worries and reassures me that we are going to be just fine.. not fine. GREAT!
-Does little gestures with his nephew that make me see how amazing of a dad he is going to be to our munchkin
-will let me be my stubborn self and usually cave first on things
Needless to say I miss him and am only three nights away from having him by my side again!
On another note I have gotten A LOT done this week. I have been with Jade almost everyday running errands and having a blast going on adventures. We are going on a shopping date tomorrow to get some new fall clothes:) I got some of our wedding pictures printed so now every time we walk in our cute little apartment we will get to think back to our special day. One of my best friends and her hubby have been helping me redo some of our apartment. I have became obsessed with spray painting! (I wear a mask so baby anderson won't have three fingers, but if he/she did I would love those three little fingers:) ). I have been cleaning, scrubbing, and washing. On saturday I plan on taking the day off and spending some time with my family watching the Utah game:) Then Sunday I get to pick up kristoffer blaine! All in all a bitter/sweet week, but thanks to my amazing friends and family it has been a fun one:)
Baby update: We go in three weeks to find out the gender and as of monday I will be four months! Time is flying with this pregnancy and I am getting so excited for the day I get to hold my munchkin in my arms. Both grandmas are counting down too:)
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago