You were great.... but not that great!
The first trimester consisted of.....
-The biggest part. Finding out our blessing in disguise when the test came back positive:)
-After a couple weeks of panic/shock realizing it is a blessing
-Getting to announce it to our friends and family
-Seeing the little lima bean sized baby on the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat
-Realizing that humans can at times have a better sense of smell than dogs
-The bathroom floor isn't that bad of a place to hangout
-Smelly candles. No scent will smell good to a pregnant woman after more than an hour (50 dollars later)
-My husbands nose can take ALOT.
-Pregnancy glow. HUGE myth. I have broke out too many times to count worse than my middle school days. I have a happy trail that is comparable to Kris's. I shave and the hair grows back in a day. Skin is blotchy.
-Being called a drunk teenager when I had to throw up in a garbage can in a hotel lobby because the bathroom was out of my reach.
-My dads pot belly and mine are starting to look very similar
-Some days are just better spent in bed doing nothing
It was an exciting 13 weeks, but was very ready to be on to the next one. So far.. a week into the second I have been plagued with headaches. Also, doesn't help I may or may not be addicted to Dr.Pepper and am really trying to go off of it. The doctors advice for headaches. Drink a coke and take a tylenol (the only medication approved for pregnancy). Sooooo that backfired, but oh well:) I can feel my belly growing over night. I have yet to purchase fat pants so if you see in the next couple weeks and notice my pants are unbuttoned (possibly unzipped) don't judge. I will try to post a pic of the baby bump soon:)
Other updates from this wonderful time of year:
-gardner village with jade and cars
-hot chocolate from maverik
-attempting to steal marshmallows from maverik
-pom pom tutorial
-Spending lots of time with family and loving every second of it
-getting to wear my boots and leggings (heaven sent)
-frantically putting together a surprise party with my sister in laws
-missing my husband daily because he is such a hardworker and dedicated student
-still getting ideas for our apartment, but now waiting to get the funds to do them
-getting so excited to find out the gender in a month
-finding great deals at old navy (who would have thought)
-realizing that sometimes eating out is cheaper than actually cooking
-already getting excited to decorate a christmas tree
-planning a trip to the corn maze
-learning how to use pinterest to get cute nursery ideas
-**and the most exciting one.. I start water aerobics on tuesday with another prego friend. It will be an adventure in itself due to the fact I am an awful swimmer. Get winded walking up stairs (not due to the baby, but I am JUST that out of shape), and cant go underwater without plugging my nose. On the hunt for a good looking one piece or tankini so any suggestions let me know!
Well.... that is it for now! Going shopping with Jade this week sometime and will finally be able to breathe when sitting down in some nice stretchy band waist pants. If they are comfy enough I may just wear them after too:) Will post a picture soon when the bump gets a little bigger;)
Also, for my friends who have style and can actually put clothes together and make them look cute. Please help me to look as cute as this girl when I am big bellied... I am obsessed with her clothes and she makes them look better than people who are not 35 pounds overweight!
Happy Weekend! Looking forward to family time. Dreading sending my hubby off on a cruise for a week. Bitter sweet weekend, but know he will have a blast and hopefully bring back a souvenir;) See ya!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
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