That is my summer in a nutshell. It will have came and gone all before me and the hubs had a chance to soak it in. I atleast get to see some daylight from my cubicle and am often off work in time to sit in the rays, but the poor mr. is always working. So. I am thinking of a way that we will be able to just take off somewhere warm for a couple days. I am leaning towards vegas. I turn the big 21 in a couple weeks and am just dyin to finally go see thunder down under. Joking. But knowing the opportunity is available to me tickles me. Love it. So vegas????? Shopping... sun... pool....Yes:)
We have been staying up superrrr late because nights seem to be the only time we get to just relax with each other so mornings are becoming that much harder for me. Never will be a morning person. I try but fail 99% of the time. Sooooo... I decided to set some goals that include waking up at least 3 days a week before 8:30.
1. Pass my summer classes with good grades (a b+ of better)
2. Cook dinner more than once a week
3. Try a new recipe once a week
4. Keep in touch with all of my girl friends. Seriously. Girls nights are still needed even after marriage.
5. Plan random little things to surprise the hubs and remind him how much I appreciate everything he does
6. Start volunteering somewhere to help others
7. Improve my golf swing (which right now is starting from scratch. Getting the ball in the air would be a more realistic goal)
8. Get more hours at work
9. Go to Seven Peaks at least once
10. Develop a tan instead or repetitive burning
and...... Keep reminding myself how lucky I am to have all of the things I do:)
Wonderful week ahead:)
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
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