Favorite quote of they day. "If I didn't love him. I'd hate him"
Love this because Kris will say something that just drives me through the roof, but then about five minutes later I will look up and see him doing the dishes or he'll grab me and wrap me up in his arms, take me on a drive to nowhere just to be together, grab my hand randomly, or just say I love you out of nowhere. So if I didn't have so many reasons to love the boy, I would probably dislike him. Married life is going great. Keeping busy with school and work and spending any free time I get with the Mr. He has been super busy with work. Another thing to add to the list of reasons why I love him. He is the hardest worker I know. By far. Last week he worked on an infomercial with his friend Russel. He LOVED it. Who knows? Maybe one day my superstar will be doing that for his job. Over the weekend we went camping and needless to say it was very different from my "normal" camping. The rents have always had a camper or a trailer so my camping consists of watching a dvd before bed and popping popcorn. This camping was very much different as we slept on gravel. I did love sleeping next to my love listening to nature and roasting smores. All of the legit camping spots were taken so we improvised and turned a gravel patch with a fire pit into our own:) By far better than the real ones! This week we are both finalizing our fall schedules. We will both be very very busy which is okay. I keep reminding myself all of our hardwork will pay off:) So keep the busy, long, boring, hard days coming!
This is a weekly debate at home. I am having such a hard time not being able to decorate it just how I want and do everything, but I am slowly adapting to Kris's philosophy. It is temporary so there is not point in spending a lot of money on it when we can use it for other things at the time being. So I just have to keep reminding myself that one day I will have my home with painted walls and hanging decorations everywhere, a big big clock, a fancy mirror, and last but not least. A happy laundary room. I feel like launday is an awful but necessary chore. It is worse when you are cramped in a small space and that room is dark and just blah. So when I am doing laundary in the future for my hubs and future kidlits I will be doing it in a large, open, bright, designed laudary room:) I realize that I could fill our empty walls with some things if I get crafty. 1st problem. I am not very crafty. 2nd problem. Every time I get an idea I slowly realize that my time gets taken over with school. 3rd problem. I would so much rather spend what little time me and kris have alone not doing crafts, but just simply being with him. So another in the future goal: put all the craft ideas I find on the internet to real life in my own living space.
Happy Tuesday and I really will try to post pics asap of the honeymoon ! Also, we got our wedding pics back and can't wait to look at them:)
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
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